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The Penttilä kartano, the mansion, was built under Russian rule in the nineteenth century - Tzar Nicholas II granted Finland its independence during the chaos of the communist revolution in 1917 – during the civil war Penttilä was a headquarters of the whites who prevented the Russian revolution from spreading to Finland

Penttilän kartano on rakennettu Venäjän vallan aikana tuhat kahdeksansataa luvulla - Tsaari Nikolai II lahjoitti Suomelle sen itsenäisyyden 1917 - sisällissodan aikana Penttilä oli valkoisten tukikohta

winter cottages zomerhuisjes - skandinavia - skiing, snowboarding, dogsleds, snow mobiles, trekking, fishing, swimming and sauna holidays - vacations in your own cottage in south east Finland - summer, fall, autumn, winter and spring at Penttilä Gardens

In early spring the slope gives the impression of an English garden - while in summertime it consisted of waist-high wildflowers and mainly Wild Angelica. But in 2006 I installed my sculptures here and it is now my personal sculpture garden.



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